How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled? How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled? android android

How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled?

UPDATE: Google broke this. See the new accepted answer instead.

The key, it turns out, is the document.webkitHidden property. When you set window.location to a custom URL scheme and it opens, the browser keeps running, but that property goes to false. So you can test it to determine whether the custom URL scheme was handled.

Here's a sample, which you can view live

<html>  <head>    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />    <title>Starting App...</title><script>var URL = "kaonkaon://product.html#malvern;6";var MARKET = "market://details?";var ITUNES = "itms://";var QR = ""; // this should be a shortened link back to this pagefunction onLoad() {    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/)) {        if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/)) {            // Jelly Bean with Chrome browser            setTimeout(function() {                if (!document.webkitHidden)                    window.location = MARKET;            }, 1000);            window.location = URL;        } else {            // Older Android browser            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");   = "none";   = "1px";   = "1px";            var t = setTimeout(function() {                window.location = MARKET;            }, 1000);            iframe.onload = function () { clearTimeout(t) };            iframe.src = URL;            document.body.appendChild(iframe);        }     } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/)) {         // IOS         setTimeout(function() {             if (!document.webkitHidden)                 window.location = ITUNES;         }, 25);         window.location = URL;     } else {         // Not mobile         var img = document.createElement("img");         img.src = ""+encodeURIComponent(QR);         document.body.appendChild(img);     }}</script>  </head>  <body onload="onLoad()">  </body></html>

Below is a working code snippet for most of the android browsers:

<script type="text/javascript">    var custom = "myapp://custom_url";    var alt = "";    var g_intent = "intent://scan/#Intent;scheme=zxing;;end";    var timer;    var heartbeat;    var iframe_timer;    function clearTimers() {        clearTimeout(timer);        clearTimeout(heartbeat);        clearTimeout(iframe_timer);    }    function intervalHeartbeat() {        if (document.webkitHidden || document.hidden) {            clearTimers();        }    }    function tryIframeApproach() {        var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px";        iframe.onload = function () {            document.location = alt;        };        iframe.src = custom;        document.body.appendChild(iframe);    }    function tryWebkitApproach() {        document.location = custom;        timer = setTimeout(function () {            document.location = alt;        }, 2500);    }    function useIntent() {        document.location = g_intent;    }    function launch_app_or_alt_url(el) {        heartbeat = setInterval(intervalHeartbeat, 200);        if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/)) {            useIntent();        } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox/)) {            tryWebkitApproach();            iframe_timer = setTimeout(function () {                tryIframeApproach();            }, 1500);        } else {            tryIframeApproach();        }    }    $(".source_url").click(function (event) {        launch_app_or_alt_url($(this));        event.preventDefault();    });</script>

You need to add source_url class to the anchor tag.

I have blogged more about it here:

This is the answer who will save you all !

<a href="intent://scan/#Intent;scheme=zxing;;end"> Take a QR code </a>

It will your url schestart me if the app is installed ortherwise it will start the market at the indicated package