How to find the UUID of serial port Bluetooth device? How to find the UUID of serial port Bluetooth device? android android

How to find the UUID of serial port Bluetooth device?

Extending what pwc said about the UUID being 0x1101, this is the 16 bit version of the UUID as far as I can tell. I could not work out how to instantiate an UUID with a 16 bit UUID. But as this post says you can do it by:

private static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");

This worked for me to connect to a serial bluetooth module I bought from Deal Extreme

If the device is using serial port profile, then yes, it is simply:


For other pre-defined options, see the list of pre-defined UUIDs as listed in javax.bluetooth:


The UUID for the SPP Serial Port service is defined by the Bluetooth SIG to be 0x1101.