How to finish current component while navigating to next component in react native How to finish current component while navigating to next component in react native android android

How to finish current component while navigating to next component in react native

Just use 'replace' in place of 'navigate'

this.props.navigation.replace('Your Next Component Name')

First of all, using AsyncStorage in an a synchronous function (most especially a lifecycle one) is such a bad idea. You should typically keep ASyncStorage to places in your folder / app structure that make sense for where you access/keep data but since that's not the question I will just mention it quickly here...

Basically you are asking to navigate once the ASync method completes itself based on EVERY render... Those new to RN should know that an awful lot of things can cause a render to fire. Some cases, the render function can fire (I have seen this many times before) 10 or more times before finalizing the last render. This means you would have fired that ASyncStorage method 10 times... definitely something to think about when implementing this stuff. So more or less, the .then(); part of the AsyncStorage function is firing long after the render has already finished doing it's thing. If it was a reasonable approach to use I would say to put the return part of the render function inside of the .then((value) => { return ( ... ); });. But this is an even worse idea. Basically you need the right lifecycle method here and it's NOT the render method.

Anyway, since I have never used this component library before I can only help nudge you in the right direction so here goes... These docs on their webpage seem to say that you need a reference to the props navigator passed down to the component in which you are using it. So if you created the navigator in this class, you would use this.refs.whateverYouNamedTheNavigatorReference.navigate('SomeItemName'). If you are in the class that has been passed this navigator as a prop, you use this.props.passNavigatorPropName.navigate('SomeItemName'). I see you are using variable deconstruction to get the navigate callback but I would caution on doing this, this way because I have seen it cause errors by grabbing an old version of the navigate function or its parent reference by accident and causing a cascading error effect.

Also, if you are going to be using ASyncStorage in a component file (again, would recommend putting this in a component/class where your data is accessed throughout the app...) and you are going to use it to decide the app should navigate forwards/backwards... definitely remove it from the render function and put it in maybe the constructor, componentWillReceiveProps, componentDidReceiveProps or componentWillUpdate lifecycle functions. That way it fires based on an update, a new passed prop obj or one time as the component is built. Anything is better than firing it every single render.

Lastly, I do not know what you have setup for your StackNavigator route stack object but you would need to have the keyword you used "DashboardScreen" in there pointing to an actual component that has been imported properly. The "DashboardScreen" keyword most likely would connect in your StackNavigator object to some component import like so...

import Dashboard from '../Views/DashboardScreenView';

StackNavigator({  DashboardScreen: {    screen: Dashboard,    path: 'dashboard/:main',    navigationOptions: null,  },});

There is a simple way here: use "replace" (reference link repleace in navigation ,For example, you are at the screen "Login" , and you want to move to screen "Home", insert this code in screen "Login"

                         <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { this.login() }}>                            <Text}>Click me to Login</Text>                        </TouchableOpacity>

and method login:

login(){  this.props.navigation.replace('Home') }

Screen "Login" will be replaced by "Home", in Android, press Back Button =>app exit, no back screen "Login"