How to handle cookies in httpUrlConnection using cookieManager How to handle cookies in httpUrlConnection using cookieManager android android

How to handle cookies in httpUrlConnection using cookieManager

Ok, the right way to do it is just like that:

Get Cookies from response header and load them into cookieManager:

static final String COOKIES_HEADER = "Set-Cookie";HttpURLConnection connection = ... ;static msCookieManager = new;Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = connection.getHeaderFields();List<String> cookiesHeader = headerFields.get(COOKIES_HEADER);if (cookiesHeader != null) {    for (String cookie : cookiesHeader) {        msCookieManager.getCookieStore().add(null,HttpCookie.parse(cookie).get(0));    }               }

Get Cookies from cookieManager and load them into connection:

if (msCookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies().size() > 0) {    // While joining the Cookies, use ',' or ';' as needed. Most of the servers are using ';'    connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie",    TextUtils.join(";",  msCookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies()));    }

I've been searching/trying for days to fix my issue:cannot access protected web resources even after logging in successfully

I created the same app on iOS and didn't have the same problem because NSUrlConnection did the cookie maintenance for us behind the scene. On Android, I tried manually adding cookie

connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "PHPSESSID=str_from_server")

without any luck.

Finally I read this

and added the following 2 lines somewhere in the beginning of my app:

CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager();CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager);

and everything works fine now.

@David's answer is the best of the lot. Its easiest to maintain a local CookieManager and manually write into and read from the cookie store associated with this cookie manager.

This code loads the Cookies from a response into the cookie manager :

/** * Gets Cookies from the response header and loads them into cookie manager * * @param conn          instance of {@link HttpURLConnection} object * @param cookieManager the cookie manager({@link CookieManager} instance) in which the cookies are to be loaded<p>In case a null object is passed, the function will not perform any action and return back to the caller. </p> */public static void loadResponseCookies(@Nullable HttpURLConnection conn,@Nullable CookieManager cookieManager) {    //do nothing in case a null cokkie manager object is passed    if (cookieManager == null || conn == null){        return;    }    List<String> cookiesHeader = conn.getHeaderFields().get(COOKIES_HEADER);    if (cookiesHeader != null) {        for (String cookieHeader : cookiesHeader) {            List<HttpCookie> cookies;            try {                cookies = HttpCookie.parse(cookieHeader);            } catch (NullPointerException e) {                log.warn(MessageFormat.format("{0} -- Null header for the cookie : {1}",conn.getURL().toString(), cookieHeader.toString()));                //ignore the Null cookie header and proceed to the next cookie header                continue;            }            if (cookies != null) {                Debug("{0} -- Reading Cookies from the response :", conn.getURL().toString());                for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) {                    Debug(cookie.toString());                }                if (cookies.size() > 0) {                    cookieManager.getCookieStore().add(null, HttpCookie.parse(cookieHeader).get(0));                }            }        }    }}

This code populates the HttpUrlConnection object with the cookies associated with the cookie manager :

public void populateCookieHeaders(HttpURLConnection conn) {    if (this.cookieManager != null) {        //getting cookies(if any) and manually adding them to the request header        List<HttpCookie> cookies = this.cookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies();        if (cookies != null) {            if (cookies.size() > 0) {                Debug("{0} -- Adding Cookie Headers : ", url.toString());                for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) {                    Debug(cookie.toString(), null);                }                //adding the cookie header                conn.setRequestProperty(COOKIE_REQUEST_HEADER, StringUtils.join(cookies, ";"));            }        }    }}

This is the most thread safe way to handle cookies.

I tried using a threadlocal cookiestore and an extension of CookieManager. Neither of these approaches worked in my case.