How to implement Multiline EditText with ActionDone button (without Enter button) How to implement Multiline EditText with ActionDone button (without Enter button) android android

How to implement Multiline EditText with ActionDone button (without Enter button)



and in XML:


Source : Multi-line EditText with Done action button

Finally, after searching here for similar threads I have found solution. Just need to add these lines on your Activity/Fragment:


For some reason it doesn't work if you apply exact same setting from xml. You should do it programmatically.

There is also another possible solution - derive from EditText and apply EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE manually. But for me first solution looks simpler.

Continuing Ruslan's answer. The trick worked but there is one more thing that you need to take care of in XML.

EditText should have input type text otherwise actionDone won't work. Default input type of EditText does allow user to input line breaks so inputType should be set to text i.e.

android:inputType="text"//And of courseandroid:imeOptions="actionDone"

And in your java class you need to add:
