How to implement oncompletionlistener to detect end of media file in Exoplayer How to implement oncompletionlistener to detect end of media file in Exoplayer android android

How to implement oncompletionlistener to detect end of media file in Exoplayer

I know this is old, but just to expand on the accepted answer:

exoPlayer.addListener(this);.....@Overridepublic void onPlayerStateChanged(boolean playWhenReady, int state) {    if (state == ExoPlayer.STATE_ENDED){        //player back ended    }}

Exoplayer offer advance implementation which media player do not.

in Advance example of Exoplayer by Android, in they have implemented onStateChanged, which offers STATE_ENDED

You can download example from the right hand section of this page under term RELATED SAMPLES

Google has deprecate ExoPlayer.STATE_ENDED and has replaced with Player.STATE_ENDED.

Since this post has been a while, I will write a Kotlin version of the listener down below.

this.simpleExoPlayer?.addListener(object : Player.DefaultEventListener() {    override fun onPlayerStateChanged(playWhenReady: Boolean,playbackState: Int) {        when (playbackState) {            Player.STATE_IDLE -> {}            Player.STATE_BUFFERING -> {}            Player.STATE_READY -> {}            Player.STATE_ENDED -> {}        }    }})

UPDATE: 05-2020Since DefaultEventListener and onPlayerStateChanged() are deprecated.

player.addListener(object : Player.EventListener {     override fun onPlaybackStateChanged(state: Int) {           if (state == Player.STATE_ENDED) {              // your code           }     }})