How to make gradient background in android How to make gradient background in android android android

How to make gradient background in android

Visual examples help with this kind of question.


In order to create a gradient, you create an xml file in res/drawable. I am calling mine my_gradient_drawable.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><shape xmlns:android="">    <gradient        android:type="linear"        android:angle="0"        android:startColor="#f6ee19"        android:endColor="#115ede" /></shape>

You set it to the background of some view. For example:

<View    android:layout_width="200dp"    android:layout_height="100dp"    android:background="@drawable/my_gradient_drawable"/>


Set the angle for a linear type. It must be a multiple of 45 degrees.

<gradient    android:type="linear"    android:angle="0"    android:startColor="#f6ee19"    android:endColor="#115ede" />

enter image description here


Set the gradientRadius for a radial type. Using %p means it is a percentage of the smallest dimension of the parent.

<gradient    android:type="radial"    android:gradientRadius="10%p"    android:startColor="#f6ee19"    android:endColor="#115ede" />

enter image description here


I don't know why anyone would use a sweep, but I am including it for completeness. I couldn't figure out how to change the angle, so I am only including one image.

<gradient    android:type="sweep"    android:startColor="#f6ee19"    android:endColor="#115ede" />

enter image description here


You can also change the center of the sweep or radial types. The values are fractions of the width and height. You can also use %p notation.


enter image description here

Try with this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle" >    <gradient        android:angle="90"        android:centerColor="#555994"        android:endColor="#b5b6d2"        android:startColor="#555994"        android:type="linear" />    <corners         android:radius="0dp"/></shape>

You can create this 'half-gradient' look by using an xml Layer-List to combine the top and bottom 'bands' into one file. Each band is an xml shape.

See this previous answer on SO for a detailed tutorial: Multi-gradient shapes.