How to read cpu frequency on android device [closed] How to read cpu frequency on android device [closed] android android

How to read cpu frequency on android device [closed]

To have frequency on Android, just read these special files in /sys directory:

#cat "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"#cat "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq"#cat "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq"

You will have current, min and max Frequency allowed.

not MHz, but at least something. bogoMIPS value can be useful for you.

private String ReadCPUinfo() {  ProcessBuilder cmd;  String result="";  try{   String[] args = {"/system/bin/cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"};   cmd = new ProcessBuilder(args);   Process process = cmd.start();   InputStream in = process.getInputStream();   byte[] re = new byte[1024];   while( != -1){    System.out.println(new String(re));    result = result + new String(re);   }   in.close();  } catch(IOException ex){   ex.printStackTrace();  }  return result; }

If you are interested in how long your system spent in what state, check out the file


I'm not sure, whether root access is necessary for that.