How to refresh preview on Android Studio 2.2? How to refresh preview on Android Studio 2.2? android android

How to refresh preview on Android Studio 2.2?

Refresh feature is not removed, it is there; It's pretty simple to refresh:

Click on the preview screen to make sure preview window has the focus and press R. It should display the progress in the right-top corner while refreshing.

If it doesn't work for any reason, switch to design tab and press R, it refreshes the layout instantly.

I think it is a small bug. But I find a hack solution to resolve the problem, you can modify the a resource id to a wrong name, for example, you have a resource named 'ic_launcher', when you input 'ic_launcher1', you can find the interface like that:

enter image description here

next step, click refresh icon(sometimes it is 'clear cache' label). it is works for me.

I have try to change the orientation, but it not works when I replace a exist image file.

May your problem is same as :

Display again?

I guess you cant. Apparently the refresh functionality has been removed because they think the processing will happen much faster and will auto-refresh the previews real time. The Layout Editor's document has no mention of refresh functionality.


If you are faster in making changes to your layout than Android-studio refreshes, you could try toggling between the design and blueprint views using the shortcut B

Refer the Layout Editor Official Documentation for other shortcuts you might feel comfortable with or works for you.