How to remove icon animation for bottom navigation view in android How to remove icon animation for bottom navigation view in android android android

How to remove icon animation for bottom navigation view in android

got answer from this thread.

To remove animation or shift mode.

Implementation of BottomNavigationView has condition: when there is more than 3 items then use shift mode.

Create helper class

import; import; import; import android.util.Log;import java.lang.reflect.Field;public class BottomNavigationViewHelper {     public static void disableShiftMode(BottomNavigationView view) {        BottomNavigationMenuView menuView = (BottomNavigationMenuView) view.getChildAt(0);        try {             Field shiftingMode = menuView.getClass().getDeclaredField("mShiftingMode");            shiftingMode.setAccessible(true);            shiftingMode.setBoolean(menuView, false);            shiftingMode.setAccessible(false);            for (int i = 0; i < menuView.getChildCount(); i++) {                BottomNavigationItemView item = (BottomNavigationItemView) menuView.getChildAt(i);                //noinspection RestrictedApi                 item.setShiftingMode(false);                // set once again checked value, so view will be updated                 //noinspection RestrictedApi                 item.setChecked(item.getItemData().isChecked());            }         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {            Log.e("BNVHelper", "Unable to get shift mode field", e);        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {            Log.e("BNVHelper", "Unable to change value of shift mode", e);        }     } } 


BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView = (BottomNavigationView) findViewById(;BottomNavigationViewHelper.disableShiftMode(bottomNavigationView);

I tryed this and it worked well


Or this code mainactivity.xml


I just add this code on dimens.xml, and its work like a charm!

<dimen name="design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size" tools:override="true">@dimen/design_bottom_navigation_text_size</dimen>