how to resize physical android screen from terminal/shell how to resize physical android screen from terminal/shell android android

how to resize physical android screen from terminal/shell

An update to this answer for Jelly Bean 4.3 from Android dev Adam Powell on Google+ (link found via this SO answer):

In Android 4.3 these options moved from the "am" command (ActivityManager) to the "wm" command (WindowManager). Type "adb shell wm" for details.

So you can now run on 4.3 devices:

adb shell wm size 1280x800 or whatever size or reset


adb shell wm density 480 or whatever density or reset

Just make sure the screen is not currently displaying at the moment you run the command.

I believe it is:

adb shell am display-size 

but i am away from a computer to try it. An example use would be:

adb shell am display-size 640x480