How to resolve "Warning: debug info can be unavailable. Please close other application using ADB: Restart ADB integration and try again" How to resolve "Warning: debug info can be unavailable. Please close other application using ADB: Restart ADB integration and try again" android android

How to resolve "Warning: debug info can be unavailable. Please close other application using ADB: Restart ADB integration and try again"

This is a problem of ADB connections as sometimes ADB cache a dead connection on your real/virtual device and due to which the port is busy and u cannot connect to it.

The simplest solution to this is RESTART your ANDROID phone that's it.

It's an old question but I faced the same issue now. Following steps resolved my issue:

  1. Disconnect the device.

  2. Restart android studio.

  3. Run the project.

Simply go to your Android phone developer settings, disable USB debugging, delete all authorizations for USB debugging and turn the debugging on again.