how to scan barcode using phonegap how to scan barcode using phonegap android android

how to scan barcode using phonegap

Kris Erickson is correct, the Zxing & Phonegap projects has already taken care of the heavy lifting for you. (My current SO reputation disallows me from commenting, but I would have.)

I've just made an Phonegap/Android app that scans a QR barcode using the plugin here. Follow the instructions and you should be successful. It's possible that the plugin has been written since Kris's answer.

The Javascript is simple, taken straight from

    var scanBarcode = function() {    window.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan( BarcodeScanner.Type.QR_CODE,function(result) {        alert("We got a barcode: " + result);    }, function(error) {        alert("Scanning failed: " + error);    }, {yesString: "Install"}    ); }      

Your going to have a build a Phonegap plug-in, but the hard work has already be done for you by zxing.

This link leads you to a page where you can learn how to implement the PhoneGap Barcode Scanner plugin in your application