How to send a getForObject request with parameters Spring MVC How to send a getForObject request with parameters Spring MVC android android

How to send a getForObject request with parameters Spring MVC

The rest template is expecting a variable "{name}" to be in there for it to replace.

What I think you're looking to do is build a URL with query parameters you have one of two options:

  1. Use a UriComponentsBuilder and add the parameters by that
  2. String url = BASE_URL + "/android/played.json?name={name}"

Option 1 is much more flexible though.Option 2 is more direct if you just need to get this done.

Example as requested

// Assuming BASE_URL is just a host url like targetUrl= UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(BASE_URL)  // Build the base link    .path("/android/played.json")                            // Add path    .queryParam("name", nome)                                // Add one or more query params    .build()                                                 // Build the URL    .encode()                                                // Encode any URI items that need to be encoded    .toUri();                                                // Convert to URIreturn restTemplate.getForObject(targetUrl, Name.class);


String url = BASE_URL + "/android/played.json";


String url = BASE_URL + "/android/played.json?name={name}";

because the map contains variables for the url only!