How to set a default text to a Spinner How to set a default text to a Spinner android android

How to set a default text to a Spinner

Use this code


String selected, spinner_item;

spinner code

sp.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {        @Override        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) {            selected = sp.getSelectedItem().toString();            if (!selected.equals("Country"))                spinner_item = selected;            System.out.println(selected);            setid();        }        private void setid() {            sp.setSelection(sp_position);            t.setText(spinner_item);        }        @Override        public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0) {        }    });

spinner.setPrompt("Pick One");

You only need 3 lines of code for this:

(1) Declare a global variable that is used to save and load the spinner item ID. By global, I mean declaring it right after "public class MainActivity extends Activity {".

int mySpinner_selectedId; 

(2) Then, add the following code AFTER the user has made his/her choice. One good location would be a button that appears together with your spinner.

mySpinner_selectedId = mySpinner.getSelectedItemPosition();

(3) Finally, add the following code right after "mySpinner.setAdapter(adapter);" to load the last selected item.


You're most welcomed.