How to use espresso to press a AlertDialog button How to use espresso to press a AlertDialog button android android

How to use espresso to press a AlertDialog button

According to StackOverflow similar issue: Check if a dialog is displayed with Espresso

You should change your code from:

onView(withText("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN")).perform(click());


onView(withText("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN")))    .inRoot(isDialog()) // <---    .check(matches(isDisplayed()))    .perform(click());

If it won't work, don't bother to use long with Espresso another great Google's instrumentation test called uiatomator.


Example code:

// Initialize UiDevice instanceUiDevice uiDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());// Search for correct button in the dialog.UiObject button = uiDevice.findObject(new UiSelector().text("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN"));if (button.exists() && button.isEnabled()) {;}

Hope it will help

Since inRoot(isDialog()) does not seem to work for DialogFragment I use this workaround so far:

enum class AlertDialogButton(@IdRes val resId: Int) {    POSITIVE(,    NEGATIVE(,    NEUTRAL(}fun clickOnButtonInAlertDialog(button: AlertDialogButton) {    onView(withId(button.resId)).perform(click())}

You might need to close the softkeyboard like this:

        onView(withId(                .perform(typeText("username"))                .perform(closeSoftKeyboard())        onView(withId(

As detailed more thoroughly by this answer.