How to use flavors with different app names in Android studio? How to use flavors with different app names in Android studio? android android

How to use flavors with different app names in Android studio?

Remove the app_name string from your existing strings.xml file, then you can do this:

productFlavors {    originalFlavour{        resValue "string", "app_name", "Original Flavor Name"    }    freeFlavour{        resValue "string", "app_name", "Free Flavor Name"    }}

Then the existing reference to @string/app_name in your manifest will refer to a generated string resource, which is based on the flavor selected.

Note that if you specify a label for your launch Activity (by defining the android:label xml tag in the <activity> element), that value will be used in many user-visible places rather than your application's label. To overcome this for your case, you can just remove the label from your <activity> element altogether. See for more details on this distinction.

You could use a string resource in AndroidManifest.xml:

<application android:label="@string/app_name">

And then use different values resource files for each flavor in ../app/src/ folder:


The key of this solution is that you could create localized strings.xml files inside each values folder for each flavor: /res/values/, /res/values-pt/, /res/values-es/, etc.

Each string.xml could have app name localized, the default (/res/values/) for Free Flavor Name could be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources>    <string name="app_name">Free Flavor Name</string></resources>

Since you already have a separate manifest for the free flavor, why not assign its label to a different string resource value?
