Implementing pinch zoom and drag using Android's build in gesture listener and scale listener Implementing pinch zoom and drag using Android's build in gesture listener and scale listener android android

Implementing pinch zoom and drag using Android's build in gesture listener and scale listener

I have implemented this behaviour, and I used a matrix to handle all the zooming and scrolling (and rotation, in my case). It makes for neat code and works like clockwork.

Store a Matrix as a class member:

Matrix drawMatrix;

Edit: Store old focus point, used to get the focus shift during scaling.

float lastFocusX;float lastFocusY;

Edit: Set lastFocus variables in onScaleBegin

@Overridepublic boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {    lastFocusX = detector.getFocusX();    lastFocusY = detector.getFocusY();    return true;}

Replace your onScale:

@Overridepublic boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {    Matrix transformationMatrix = new Matrix();    float focusX = detector.getFocusX();    float focusY = detector.getFocusY();    //Zoom focus is where the fingers are centered,     transformationMatrix.postTranslate(-focusX, -focusY);    transformationMatrix.postScale(detector.getScaleFactor(), detector.getScaleFactor());/* Adding focus shift to allow for scrolling with two pointers down. Remove it to skip this functionality. This could be done in fewer lines, but for clarity I do it this way here */    //Edited after comment by chochim    float focusShiftX = focusX - lastFocusX;    float focusShiftY = focusY - lastFocusY;    transformationMatrix.postTranslate(focusX + focusShiftX, focusY + focusShiftY);    drawMatrix.postConcat(transformationMatrix);    lastFocusX = focusX;    lastFocusY = focusY;    invalidate();    return true;}

Similarly in onScroll:

@Overridepublic boolean onScroll(MotionEvent downEvent, MotionEvent currentEvent,            float distanceX, float distanceY) {    drawMatrix.postTranslate(-distanceX, -distanceY);    invalidate();    return true;}

in onDraw; Draw with your drawMatrix:

canvas.drawBitmap(image, drawMatrix, paint);

Happy coding!