Input elements on android 4.x can not be styled when focused Input elements on android 4.x can not be styled when focused android android

Input elements on android 4.x can not be styled when focused

The problem is related to the Nexus S and its poor performance with ICS / Android 4. The roar of problems with Phonegap, jQuery mobile, Sencha and on is deafening. From the ignoring of Viewport meta tags to mal-positioned z-order, The Chromium Android browser is just a massive problem.

  1. Have you tried turning off openGL?

  2. Have you tried separating the pseudo selectors?

It seems that Androids WebView is continually getting worse... which is odd as it "should" be improving. I'm having a ton of trouble myself with scrolling and flickering. A lot of frameworks are actually considering bailing on Android.

A link that may interest you:Problems with jQM and (mostly) Nexus S

Hope this helps and you are not alone!