@IntDef Android support annontation with Jackson deserializing @IntDef Android support annontation with Jackson deserializing android android

@IntDef Android support annontation with Jackson deserializing

Since you can count on weekdays not growing out of control, creating a static map seems like a pretty clean solution. Providing a @JsonCreator factory named fromString will work with Jackson and will also play nicely with JAX-RS:

public class Schedule {    ...    private static final ImmutableMap<String, Schedule> WEEKDAY_TO_INT_MAP =            ImmutableMap.<String, Schedule>builder()                .put("SUNDAY", withIntWeekday(0))                .put("MONDAY", withIntWeekday(1))                .put("TUESDAY", withIntWeekday(2))                .put("WEDNESDAY", withIntWeekday(3))                .put("THURSDAY", withIntWeekday(4))                .put("FRIDAY", withIntWeekday(5))                .put("SATURDAY", withIntWeekday(6))                .build();    public static Schedule withIntWeekday(int weekdayInt) {        Schedule schedule = new Schedule();        schedule.setWeekday(weekdayInt);        return schedule;    }    @JsonCreator    public static Schedule fromString(String weekday) {        return WEEKDAY_TO_INT_MAP.get(weekday);    }    ...}

Maybe I am missing something, but why not do something like this:

public class Schedule {    public enum Weekday {        SUNDAY(0),        MONDAY(1),        TUESDAY(2),        WEDNESDAY(3),        THURSDAY(4),        FRIDAY(5),        SATURDAY(6);        private final Integer weekday;        Weekday(Integer weekday) {            this.weekday = weekday;        }        public Integer getWeekday() {            return weekday;        }    }    private Weekday weekday;    public Integer getWeekday() {        return weekday.getWeekday();    }    public void setWeekday(Weekday weekday) {        this.weekday = weekday;    }}

If the backend is returning "MONDAY" as a string then you probably should not be using @IntDef because you will have to manage converting "MONDAY" into an integer value.

I would try using the @StringDef annotation instead that way you won't have to worry about any sort of conversion between the backend and the client app. The only catch is you need to have reliable responses from your backend and agree upon the naming conventions ahead of time.

If you change the type from @IntDef to @StringDef it would look like this:

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)public class Schedule {    public static final String SUNDAY = "SUNDAY";    public static final String MONDAY = "MONDAY";    public static final String TUESDAY = "TUESDAY";    public static final String WEDNESDAY = "WEDNESDAY";    public static final String THURSDAY = "THURSDAY";    public static final String FRIDAY = "FRIDAY";    public static final String SATURDAY = "SATURDAY";    private String weekday;    public Schedule() {    }    @Weekday    public String getWeekday() {        return weekday;    }    public void setWeekday(@Weekday String weekday) {        this.weekday = weekday;    }    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)    @StringDef({SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY})    public @interface Weekday {}}