Invalidate cache in Picasso Invalidate cache in Picasso android android

Invalidate cache in Picasso

In the recent versions of Picasso, there is a new method for invalidate, without any workarounds, so I think that custom PicassoTools class mentioned earlier, is now obsolete in this case


Actually, based on your own answer, there is an easier way to do it without forking the library. Add this class to the com.squareup.picasso package.

package com.squareup.picasso;public class PicassoTools {    public static void clearCache (Picasso p) {        p.cache.clear();    }}

Because cache has package visibility, this util class can clear the cache for you. You just have to call it:


Abort memory cache and disk cache check by indicate memory policy by flag: emoryPolicy.NO_CACHE and NetworkPolicy.NO_CACHE as below code snippet:

   mPicasso.with(mContext)            .load(url)            .memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE )            .networkPolicy(NetworkPolicy.NO_CACHE)            .resize(512, 512)            .error(R.drawable.login)            .noFade()            .into(imageView);