Ionic 3 prod release build issue with intellij-core-26.0.1 Ionic 3 prod release build issue with intellij-core-26.0.1 android android

Ionic 3 prod release build issue with intellij-core-26.0.1

ionic cordova platform remove android

ionic cordova platform add android@7.0.0

Go to platforms/android/build.gradle

Change this:

jcenter()    maven {   url ""}


maven {   url ""}jcenter()  //Just move this line  

Seems that the problem started early today.

There's a few things that could work:

The step that worked for me was:

Edit "\platforms\android\CordovaLib\build.gradle" instead "\platforms\android\build.gradle" and put jcenter() after maven… as posted here

repositories {        maven {            url ""        }        jcenter()}

You can try:

Edit 'platforms/android/build.gradle', you can see more here, as pointed by 'netexpo', here, in the Ionic forum.

allprojects {    repositories {        mavenCentral()        maven {            url ""        }        jcenter()    }}

Another one:

Posted by MeterMoDev here

Was able to build as well but did the following:

Closed Android Studio also had VS closed. Removed the Android platform. Add the Android platform again. Before running any builds open up the \platforms\android\build.gradle and edit the repositories like @netexpo recommended, and save the file. Open up your project in Android Studio waited for studio do sync the gradle file, it downloaded a couple of items. After the sync process was completed the file had been build.

 repositories {    mavenCentral()    maven {        url ""    }    jcenter()}