Is iOS 7 Multipeer Connectivity compatible with Android Wi-Fi Direct? Is iOS 7 Multipeer Connectivity compatible with Android Wi-Fi Direct? android android

Is iOS 7 Multipeer Connectivity compatible with Android Wi-Fi Direct?

This is what we know:

  1. There's no BTLE/Bluetooth 4.0 advertisement visible on my Texas Instruments Bluetooth Low energy scanner.
  2. No WiFi Direct activity seen by JuJoDi.
  3. Talkkr app can connect while WiFi is off and the connection takes about 10 seconds.

My working theory: the MultiPeer uses Bluetooth Classic, based on the above.

iOS Bluetooth Classic is known to be under the Apple MFA Accessory API's tight control and lockdown, including the MFA authentication challenge-response. Apple controls the MFA encryption keys (either in software or by the accessory authentication chips). It makes it inaccessible to other platforms.

The device is not found by either when advertising or browsing with MultipeerConnectivity. Tried on Galaxy Tab 2:

Trying wi-fi direct + multipeer connectivity

No, the two are not compatible.

The MultipeerConnectivity documentation you linked to explicitly states (emphasis mine):

The Multipeer Connectivity framework provides support for discovering services provided by nearby iOS devices

Although you may be able to hack together a workaround akin to the short-lived iMessage app for Android, I wouldn't recommend it.