Is it possible to compile LLVM libraries to android/ARM Is it possible to compile LLVM libraries to android/ARM android android

Is it possible to compile LLVM libraries to android/ARM

It now seems possible, the NDK now supports Clang which uses LLVM. So maybe it can be made to work with any LLVM language. AOSP should give us some insight on how they added Clang support. See the latest Android NDK for details on Clang support.

Android NDK, Revision 8c (November 2012)
Important changes:
Added the Clang 3.1 compiler to the NDK. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.6 is still the default, so you must explicitly enable the Clang compiler option as follows:
For ndk-build, export NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang3.1 or add this environment variable setting to
For standalone builds, add --llvm-version=3.1 to and replace CC and CXX in your makefile with /bin/clang and /bin/clang++. See STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html for details.
Note: This feature is experimental. Please try it and report any issues.

While you can surely compile LLVM on ARM (it's pretty trivial - just ordinary configure + make system), you're still out of luck: JIT on ARM is still work-in-progress, so I'd not expect it working for everything non-trivial.

It seems like the Android NDK would help in this, as one of its usages per its FAQ page is to reuse C/C++ code.