Is there a view for inputing integers in Android? Is there a view for inputing integers in Android? android android

Is there a view for inputing integers in Android?

The NumberPicker widget is probably what you want. Unfortunately it's located in which we cannot get to through normal means.

There are two ways to use it:

  1. Copy the code from android source
  2. Use reflection to access the widget

Here's the xml for using it in a layout:

<    android:id="@+id/picker"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>

Here's the reflection to set the NumberPicker settings (I have not tested this):

Object o = findViewById(;Class c = o.getClass();try {    Method m = c.getMethod("setRange", int.class, int.class);    m.invoke(o, 0, 9);} catch (Exception e) {    Log.e("", e.getMessage());}

Since it's an internal widget and not in the SDK, future compatibility could be broken if you use reflection. It would be safest to roll your own from the source.

The original source for this information is shared in this Google Group.

The NumberPicker internal widget has been pulled from the Android source code and packaged for your use and you can find it here. Works great!

EDIT: Original link is down, you can find a copy of the widget here