"is translated here but not found in default locale" error in strings.xml with translatable="false" "is translated here but not found in default locale" error in strings.xml with translatable="false" android android

"is translated here but not found in default locale" error in strings.xml with translatable="false"

this happened to me too

I do 2 things:

  • Verify entire file to see another translate not done ( I have ones in file en but in pt-br)
  • Clean, update gradle and quit and restart the Android Studio

Rebuilding can take a long time. YMMV, but...

Simply remove the offending line and re-add it.

Worked for me. Very fast.

In my case this helped me:

  1. Select the strings that cause error.
  2. Cut them.
  3. Paste them again

If it doesn't work for you, try adding the same strings to strings.xml(v21) file.