LogCat & Console stopped working with Eclipse Android Emulator LogCat & Console stopped working with Eclipse Android Emulator android android

LogCat & Console stopped working with Eclipse Android Emulator

I was having a similar error and it was driving me crazy. I just got it to work by doing the following steps:

  1. In a shell or command prompt run: adb kill-server
  2. Unplug the USB cable from the device and plug it back in.
  3. Open the devices view (Window -> Show View -> Other -> Android -> Devices)
  4. Click on the device on the android devices view.

I tested this for the emulator and it works if you relaunch the emulator instead of step 2.

Another way I got it to work was to restart Eclipse. But that's not usually ideal.

Note: Logcat would stop working any time I disconnected the usb cable from my android device (similar to killing an emulator).

I recognize this might not fix your initial issue, but it might help others who stumble on this question.

I also had the same problem, install the SDK even three times as TT, but the solution is to go to the folder android-sdk-windows, then platform-tools, and double click adb and ready!

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