Magic behind file Magic behind file android android

Magic behind file

I had a problem getting my Android app to compile, with seemingly inexplicable errors about failure to generate

The problem was caused by my previously killing the Android emulator during the build. Don't do that! A clue was the appearance of several left over *.out.xml files.

The solution was to select the project, click Project->Clean, and then manually delete all the *.out.xml files. Only then could I click Run->Run and have a successful build.

One more thing: I'm using Eclipse. I had to make sure that the project was selected in Package Explorer, and not just some random source file. Easy to not notice! is autogenerated on build. It's content is based on the resource files (including layouts and preferences).

When you deleted it, it was recreated, but if you create your own, you will get into trouble as the build system will not replace it.

You can simply delete it again (manually or by choosing Project->Clean) and rebuild your program.

I had this problem several times, and most of the times it is caused by some mistake in the "res" files, check everything is OK in all your res files, mainly XML, and after you can built.

For example, two common causes of this problem can be:

  • Didn't properly spell the name of a property in a Style in a XML file.

  • Didn't properly close a string in the XML of a locale file.