Make a wizard like application in Android Make a wizard like application in Android android android

Make a wizard like application in Android

This library is no longer being developed.

Use Android Navigation Component with combination of ViewModels to build a wizard flow.

I've developed a lightweight Android library, which is built on top of Android's ViewPager that can be used for creating wizard like activities. Check it out: WizarDroid.

I suggest going with 2 as it fits the goal of activities and views. Saving state in this case is easy - if you use the MVC pattern, you can simply have a model object that is passed along to the views. Each view will have portions of the model that it can read/write. No matter where you are, the model should always have the current state. If you get disposed, just save the model. Restore works automatically since you already read from the model when you show each page.

I've gone with the first approach as it seems more natural. Another app uses ViewFlipper for switching views but that's far from anything like wizard.