Making a Snackbar Without a View? Making a Snackbar Without a View? android android

Making a Snackbar Without a View?

I see some options... Not sure which one can fix your issue.


SupportMapFragment extends class This way, it has a method getView()

Snackbar.make(mapFragment.getView(), "Click the pin for more options", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Find Root View

From this answer, there's a way to get the root view via:


So, maybe, you can do:

Snackbar.make(getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView(), "Click the pin for more options", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();

NOTE: This approach has the side effect mentioned in the comments below:

The message will be shown behind the bottom navigation bar if the following method will be used to get view getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView()

Add a dummy LinearLayout to get the View

Honestly, I'm not sure if this solution is possible. I'm not sure if you can add a LinearLayout above the Maps fragment... I think it is OK but since I never work with Maps API before, I'm not sure.

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""    android:id="@+id/dummy_layout_for_snackbar"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:orientation="vertical">    <fragment         xmlns:map=""        xmlns:tools=""        android:id="@+id/map"        android:name=""        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="match_parent"        tools:context="ca.davesautoservice.davesautoservice.MapsActivity" /></LinearLayout>

and then:

Snackbar.make(findViewById(, "Click the pin for more options", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Try this in any activity:

snackbar(findViewById(,"your text")

As Shahab Rauf points out, getting the view via getDecorView() may put the snackbar behind the navigation bar in the bottom. I use the following code: (Use and extend to your delight)

public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    private View getRootView() {        final ViewGroup contentViewGroup = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;        View rootView = null;        if(contentViewGroup != null)            rootView = contentViewGroup.getChildAt(0);        if(rootView == null)            rootView = getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView();        return rootView;    }    protected void showSnackBarWithOK(@StringRes int res) {        final View rootView = getRootView();        if(rootView != null) {            final Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(getRootView(), res, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);            snackbar.setAction(R.string.ok, new View.OnClickListener() {                @Override                public void onClick(View v) {                    snackbar.dismiss();                }            });  ;        }    }    protected void showSnackBar(@StringRes int res) {        final View rootView = getRootView();        if(rootView != null)            Snackbar.make(rootView, res, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();    }}