Navigation drawer: How do I set the selected item at startup? Navigation drawer: How do I set the selected item at startup? android android

Navigation drawer: How do I set the selected item at startup?

Use the code below:


Call this method after you call setNavDrawer();

The getItem(int index) method gets the MenuItem then you can call the setChecked(true); on that MenuItem, all you are left to do is to find out which element index does the default have, and replace the 0 with that index.

You can select(highlight) the item by calling


Here is a reference link:

EDITDid not work on nexus 4, support library revision 24.0.0. I recommend use


answered by @kingston below.

You can also call:


This method was introduced in API 23.0.0


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><menu xmlns:android=""      xmlns:tools=""      tools:ignore="UnusedIds">    <group        android:id="@+id/group"        android:checkableBehavior="single">        <item            android:id="@+id/menu_nav_home"            android:icon="@drawable/ic_home_black_24dp"            android:title="@string/menu_nav_home" />    </group></menu>

Note: android:checkableBehavior="single"

See also this

For me both these methods didn't work:

  • navigationView.getMenu().getItem(0).setChecked(true);
  • navigationView.setCheckedItem(id);

Try this one, it works for me.
