Nexus 10 - not visible to adb on Windows 7 or Linux Nexus 10 - not visible to adb on Windows 7 or Linux android android

Nexus 10 - not visible to adb on Windows 7 or Linux

I had the same problem on Windows 7.

First make sure the Nexus 10 developer mode and USB debugging is on ( if you dont see developer options, tap on About Settings -> Tablet -> Build Number a several time and it should activate developer mode)

Check if your ADB driver is in good shape by going into the Device Manager. If not un-install the ADB device manager and re-install it by pointing Windows to Android SDK location (It should pick up the driver automatically).

Once it is installed and still it does not work. Go into Settings-> Storage -> USB Computer Connection and select PTP option. Reconnect tablet to the USB.

Hope it helps!.

I had some problems with this as well. I was on win 8.

  1. Install the SDK and USB driver from Google. USB driver is available in 'Android SDK Manager' in eclipse.
  2. Put the tablet in developer mode by clicking on 'About tablet' and clicking the build number seven times (crazy)
  3. Open Windows Device Manager and right click 'Android ADB Interface'
  4. Click Properties
  5. Driver Tab
  6. Update Driver
  7. Select 'Browse my computer for driver software' Select the 'sdk' folder under the location you installed your sdk in step 1 (e.g. D:\Dev\Software\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk)

Not sure why windows didn't auto-detect it but it didn't. Could have been because google doesn't actually 'install' the driver into windows or perhaps it was because I had the HTC USB drivers installed because of my old phone.

I started with the same problem as you, but managed to get my adb connection working on a Fedora 16 system as follows:

  1. Inserted 0x18d1 into adb_usb.ini (I do not bother with the device ID)

  2. Inserted the following extra line into 99-android.rules. It's not the quite the same as yours but I leave you to experiment.

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev", OWNER="johnp"
  3. Pressed the settings->about->version number 7 times.

  4. Rebooted tablet and noticed that a new section is created in settings called "developer options".

  5. Enabled USB debugging in settings->about->developer options.

  6. On Fedora performed adb kill-server.

  7. On Fedora performed adb start-server.

  8. On Fedora performed adb devices.

I now see a new USB device in the list. When I go to my development environment (Eclipse) I see the device there as well.