"Not enough information to infer parameter T" with Kotlin and Android "Not enough information to infer parameter T" with Kotlin and Android android android

"Not enough information to infer parameter T" with Kotlin and Android

You must be using API level 26 (or above). This version has changed the signature of View.findViewById() - see here https://developer.android.com/about/versions/oreo/android-8.0-changes#fvbi-signature

So in your case, where the result of findViewById is ambiguous, you need to supply the type:

1/ Change

val listView = findViewById(R.id.list) as ListView to

val listView = findViewById<ListView>(R.id.list)

2/ Change

this.label = row?.findViewById(R.id.label) as TextView to

this.label = row?.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.label) as TextView

Note that in 2/ the cast is only required because row is nullable. If label was nullable too, or if you made row not nullable, it wouldn't be required.

Andoid O change findViewById api from

public View findViewById(int id);


public final T findViewById(int id)

so, if you are target to API 26, you can change

val listView = findViewById(R.id.list) as ListView


val listView = findViewById(R.id.list)


val listView: ListView = findViewById(R.id.list)

Its Working

API Level 25 or below use this

    var et_user_name = findViewById(R.id.et_user_name) as EditText

API Level 26 or Above use this

    val et_user_name: EditText = findViewById(R.id.et_user_name)

Happy Coding !