Out of Memory Error ImageView issue Out of Memory Error ImageView issue android android

Out of Memory Error ImageView issue

To add on Ken's answer, which is a solid piece of code, I thought I'd knock it down after he set it up:

    if(imageView != null) {        ((BitmapDrawable)imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap().recycle();    }    imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.imageView);    imageView.setImageResource(resID);

NOTE: This won't work if you are trying to swap an image you already recycled. You'll get something like this in LOGCAT

Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap

So what I do now if I don't have to load a bunch of different images asynchronously, I simply put this in onDestroy when dealing with fragments and large background images:

@Overridepublic void onDestroy() {    super.onDestroy();    imageView.setImageDrawable(null);}



Before change to new image!!

For those using the Glide image loading library, who are still running into these OutOfMemory Exception issues, there're many things you can do to make Glide use less memory and hopefully fix your problem. Here are a few of them:

  • Don't use android:scaleType="fitXY" inside of your ImageView. So if you're ImageView looks like this:

    <ImageView android:id="@android:id/icon"       android:layout_width="@dimen/width"       android:layout_height="@dimen/height"       android:adjustViewBounds="true"        android:scaleType="fitXY"       <!-- DON'T USE "fitXY"! -->/>

    Change the ImageView to use a different android:scaleType, preferably: fitCenter or centerCrop.

  • Don't use wrap_content in your ImageView, instead use match_parent or specify the width/height explicitly using a size in dp. If you really insist on using wrap_content in your ImageView, at least set a android:maxHeight/android:maxWidth.
  • Turn off animations with: dontAnimate() on your Glide.with()... request.
  • If you're loading lots of potentially large images (as you would in a list/grid), specify a thumbnail(float sizeMultiplier) load in your request. Ex:

    Glide.with(context)   .load(imageUri)   .thumbnail(0.5f)   .dontAnimate()   .into(iconImageView);
  • Temporarily lower Glide's memory footprint during certain phases of your app by using: Glide.get(context).setMemoryCategory(MemoryCategory.LOW).

  • Only cache in memory if you need to, you can turn it off with: skipMemoryCache(true) on your Glide.with()... request. This will still cache the images to disk, which you'll probably want since you're foregoing the in-memory cache.
  • If you're loading a Drawable from your local resources, make sure that the image you're trying to load ISN'T SUPER HUGE. There are plenty of image compression tools available online. These tools will shrink the sizes of your images while also maintaining their appearance quality.
  • If loading from local resources use .diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.NONE).
  • Hook into the onTrimMemory(int level) callback that Android provides to trim the Glide cache as needed. Ex.

    @Overridepublic void onTrimMemory(int level){    super.onTrimMemory(level);    Glide.get(this).trimMemory(level);}
  • If displaying images in a RecyclerView you can explicitly clear Glide when views are recycled, like so:

    @Overridepublic void onViewRecycled(MyAdapter.MyViewHolder holder){    super.onViewRecycled(holder);    Glide.clear(holder.imageView);}
  • If this is still occurring, even after you've "tried everything", the problem might be your application (GASP!), and Glide is just the one thing that's pushing it to the OutOfMemory Exception zone... So be sure you don't have any memory leaks in your application. Android Studio provides tools for identifying memory consumption issues in you app.
  • Lastly check the issue page on Glide's GitHub, for similar issues that may provide insight into fixing your problem(s). The repo is managed really well and they're very helpful.