Package missing in Zxing barcode library for Android Package missing in Zxing barcode library for Android android android

Package missing in Zxing barcode library for Android

The classes you are looking for are in the core module.

What a headache to see the classes in the's core folder but there is no "core.jar", so here's where to get that jar file...

  1. Under "Just Need a Jar", click the "Maven release repository" link.
  2. Click "core/"
  3. Click on the Zxing version you downloaded.(Though mine is 4.7.5 (shown on zip folder name) it worked with version 3.2.1
  4. Click on core-x.x.x.jar to download. (x's are version number)

I put that core.jar where the Zxing project folder is, inside core folder so I wouldn't lose it.

After that, (if using Eclipse)

  1. Right click CaptureActivity project -> Build Path -> Configure BuildPath
  2. (Left Side Select) Java Build Path
  3. Libraries tab
  4. Add External JARs...
  5. Select the core-x.x.x.jar previously downloaded
  6. Click OK

This took all those missing errors away for me, but left errors in switch statements that I read needs to be changed to if/else statements, but that's for another topic.