Package not found: Package not found: android android

Package not found:

WebView is now controlled by Chrome from Nougat.Reference

The solution that worked for me was commenting these lines in AndroidManifest.xml

<meta-data android:name="preloaded_fonts"            android:resource="@array/preloaded_fonts" />   

As suggested here

Do you have multiple profiles on your device?

There is a known issue on the Google (Android Enterprise) support forums relating to WebView. It seems like the solution may well apply to your problem.


A feature was added in Android Nougat to set the Chrome WebView as the default WebView and disable the Android System WebView app by default

This is a problem when:

  • Device needs to be on Android Oreo (Android 8.0)
  • More than one user on device (For example, there’s a work profile and personal profile)
  • Chrome is not enabled for at least one user on the device. Note: Chrome is disabled in the work profile by default.
  • Chrome has been updated on the device and the device has [not?] restarted since Chrome updated.
  • The Android System WebView app has not been updated via Google Play.

What you need to do:

Enable Chrome for each user on the device Or Wait for the Android System WebView app to update to its latest version (updates occur automatically within 24 hours provided the device has a WiFi connection)

Do you happen to use Facebook Audience Network SDK in your app?Ran into the same crash and it seems that the crash is directly related to FAN SDK (using 4.27.1). When the app tries to show an Ad from FAN it crashes sometimes (only on OnePlus devices so far).

This is not 100% confirmed yet but might help.

Edit: It might be related to any other Ad network SDK, many of these use WebView to show the Ad. In this case, FAN SDK is invoked only as a fallback if there is something wrong with AdMob. It can easily happen that it'd crash AdMob as well but that SDK handles it while FAN doesn't.