PagerTabStrip and PagerTitleStrip difference? PagerTabStrip and PagerTitleStrip difference? android android

PagerTabStrip and PagerTitleStrip difference?

PagerTitleStrip is just a strip which contain title texts; it just indicates the title of the section we're in.

PagerTabStrip is very similar to PagerTitleStrip but actually looks like a strip of tabs (it's used in the Play store tabs, and looks better in my opinion).

You can use PagerTabStrip if you are looking for a tab-like interface. If you are looking to customize PagerTitleStrip, you may want to see ViewPagerIndicator.

@Binoy Babu answer added every details about PaterTitleStrip and PagerTabStrip. I think to add image for example.

Reference link :

enter image description hereenter image description here

Above are PagerTitleStrip example, in which only title will scroll with page scrolling. This do not indicate which page you are currently displaying

enter image description hereenter image description here

Above is example of PagerTabStrip which is same to PagerTitleStrip except it indicates which page is displaying now. The current visible tab title is underlined

Thank you

Its a old post, but I want to point some differences between PagerTabStrip & PagerTitleStrip.

  1. PagerTabStrip is interactive, means you can click on the tabs to switch between screens, which you cannot do that with PagerTitleStrip.

  2. PagerTabStrip not only indicates the section name, but also has the tab indicator (bottom border) that depicts the active tab. On the contrary, PagerTitleStrip only indicates the section we're in through the title names, but there is no tab indicator.

  3. Going through the docs, you will notice there are more public methods for PagerTabStrip compared to PagerTitleStrip. Example: setTabIndicatorColor() to set the tab indicator programmatically.

  4. Also as mentioned by @BinoyBabu, plugin ViewPagerIndicator allows to customize your pager strip in so many ways.