Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results android android

Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results

Change your method to look like this:

String curloc = current.toString();String itemdesc = item.mDescription;ArrayList<String> passing = new ArrayList<String>();passing.add(itemdesc);passing.add(curloc);new calc_stanica().execute(passing); //no need to pass in result list

And change your async task implementation

public class calc_stanica extends AsyncTask<ArrayList<String>, Void, ArrayList<String>> {ProgressDialog dialog;    @Override    protected void onPreExecute() {        dialog = new ProgressDialog(baraj_mapa.this);        dialog.setTitle("Calculating...");        dialog.setMessage("Please wait...");        dialog.setIndeterminate(true);;    }    protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(ArrayList<String>... passing) {        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();        ArrayList<String> passed = passing[0]; //get passed arraylist        //Some calculations...        return result; //return result    }    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {        dialog.dismiss();        String minim = result.get(0);        int min = Integer.parseInt(minim);        String glons = result.get(1);        String glats = result.get(2);        double glon = Double.parseDouble(glons);        double glat = Double.parseDouble(glats);        GeoPoint g = new GeoPoint(glon, glat);        String korisni_linii = result.get(3);    }


If you want to have access to the task starting context, the easiest way would be to override onPostExecute in place:

new calc_stanica() {    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {      // here you have access to the context in which execute was called in first place.       // You'll have to mark all the local variables final though..     }}.execute(passing);

Why would you pass an ArrayList??It should be possible to just call execute with the params directly:

String curloc = current.toString();String itemdesc = item.mDescription;new calc_stanica().execute(itemdesc, curloc)

That how varrargs work, right?Making an ArrayList to pass the variable is double work.

I sort of agree with leander on this one.


new calc_stanica().execute(stringList.toArray(new String[stringList.size()]));


public class calc_stanica extends AsyncTask<String, Void, ArrayList<String>> {        @Override        protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(String... args) {           ...        }        @Override        protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {           ... //do something with the result list here        }}

Or you could just make the result list a class parameter and replace the ArrayList with a boolean (success/failure);

public class calc_stanica extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> {        private List<String> resultList;        @Override        protected boolean doInBackground(String... args) {           ...        }        @Override        protected void onPostExecute(boolean success) {           ... //if successfull, do something with the result list here        }}