PhoneGap plugin: fastest way to transfer JSON data to native PhoneGap plugin: fastest way to transfer JSON data to native android android

PhoneGap plugin: fastest way to transfer JSON data to native

Linkedin use Web Sockets for their iPad app. Might be worth looking into:

Some of the benefits that you're looking for

  • WebSockets can communicate asynchronously from JavaScript to native.
  • WebSockets don't have a payload limit
  • WebSockets don't require us to encode our JSON strings as URL parameters
  • WebSockets should be faster than URL scheme navigation

Addressing performance

Looking at, as you mentioned, everything is a String:

public boolean execute(String action, String rawArgs, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {    JSONArray args = new JSONArray(rawArgs);    return execute(action, args, callbackContext);}

If, for example, the conversion from String to JSONArray is the only bottleneck, then you could override this method in your plugin and perform your own deserialization. It's a small performance improvement, but it might be worth investigating.

Creating an alternate bridge

As for creating an alternative bridge, that's trickier. I don't know much about Cordova / PhoneGap, but from what research I've gathered, Cordova exposes a specific Javascript interface via addJavascriptInterface. If you could implement your own NativetoJSMessageQueue, you might be able to wire it all together.

After conducting a bit more research, I can provide a bit more direction. The really relevant part of the NativetoJSMessageQueue is the various BridgeModes it implements (see line 92). You could look at the other bridge modes as an example.

Unfortunately, the NativetoJSMessageQueue has exactly four bridge modes registered; assuming that you could implement your own bridge mode, you would still need to some how register it as a new mode for the NativetoJSMessageQueue.

I'm not sure what exactly you want to do but I notice that in your project you are converting the JSON to String and then you will pass it through the PhoneGap plugin , convert it to JSON and then convert it to Matrix!

what if you keep your data in a string and convert the string straight to Matrix?this way you can skip the converting to and from JSON part