Play audio file from the assets directory Play audio file from the assets directory android android

Play audio file from the assets directory


Your version would work if you had only one file in the assets directory. The asset directory contents are not actually 'real files' on disk. All of them are put together one after another. So, if you do not specify where to start and how many bytes to read, the player will read up to the end (that is, will keep playing all the files in assets directory)

This function will work properly :)

// MediaPlayer m; /*assume, somewhere in the global scope...*/public void playBeep() {    try {        if (m.isPlaying()) {            m.stop();            m.release();            m = new MediaPlayer();        }        AssetFileDescriptor descriptor = getAssets().openFd("beepbeep.mp3");        m.setDataSource(descriptor.getFileDescriptor(), descriptor.getStartOffset(), descriptor.getLength());        descriptor.close();        m.prepare();        m.setVolume(1f, 1f);        m.setLooping(true);        m.start();    } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();    }}

Here my static version:

public static void playAssetSound(Context context, String soundFileName) {    try {        MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();        AssetFileDescriptor descriptor = context.getAssets().openFd(soundFileName);        mediaPlayer.setDataSource(descriptor.getFileDescriptor(), descriptor.getStartOffset(), descriptor.getLength());        descriptor.close();        mediaPlayer.prepare();        mediaPlayer.setVolume(1f, 1f);        mediaPlayer.setLooping(false);        mediaPlayer.start();    } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();    }}