PreferenceActivity: save value as integer PreferenceActivity: save value as integer android android

PreferenceActivity: save value as integer

You could extend EditTextPreference:

public class IntEditTextPreference extends EditTextPreference {    public IntEditTextPreference(Context context) {        super(context);    }    public IntEditTextPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        super(context, attrs);    }    public IntEditTextPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {        super(context, attrs, defStyle);    }    @Override    protected String getPersistedString(String defaultReturnValue) {        return String.valueOf(getPersistedInt(-1));    }    @Override    protected boolean persistString(String value) {        return persistInt(Integer.valueOf(value));    }}

It would be better to overwrite onSetInitialValue() and setText() methods, but then you would have to copy some code from a base class. Above solution is simplier, but it's quite tricky - "string" methods do something with ints. Try to not extend this class further ;-)

You could use it from XML by:

<    android:key="SomeKey"    android:title="@string/some_title"    android:summary="..."    android:numeric="integer"    android:maxLength="2"/>

Even if you set android:numeric="integer" it'll be text preference - as its name suggest. You could easily convert string value to int using Integer.valueOf(). Also you could overwrite PreferenceActivity to do conversion automatically on exit.

I think the best solution is to write simple method to get this value from preferences. Something like:

public static int getSomePref(Context context) {    SharedPreferences prefs =        PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);    String value = prefs.getString("SomeKey", null);    return value == null ? -1 : Integer.valueOf(value);}

Then you could very easily use it from your code.

Even though an Answer has been parked accepted I would like to share one more shorter way to achieve this :

SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);int value = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString("SomeKey", "-1"));

Since you have already set that only numbers can be entered this won't through any exception.yet to complete my answer :

<EditTextPref    android:key="SomeKey"    android:title="@string/some_title"    android:summary="..."    android:numeric="integer"    android:maxLength="2" />