ratingbar not working (not clickable) when using ratingBarStyleSmall style ratingbar not working (not clickable) when using ratingBarStyleSmall style android android

ratingbar not working (not clickable) when using ratingBarStyleSmall style

so I had the same issue and I put android:isIndicator="false" to my RatingBar tag and it solved the problem for me now my full rate bar tag looks like this:

<RatingBar    android:id="@+id/ratingReview"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:layout_gravity="center"    android:numStars="5"    android:isIndicator="false"    style="@style/Base.Widget.AppCompat.RatingBar"/>

hope this helps.for more info you can refer to this answer too.

Just add


It is defined behavior of RatingBar. According to official documentation, "The smaller RatingBar style ( ratingBarStyleSmall) and the larger indicator-only style (ratingBarStyleIndicator) do not support user interaction and should only be used as indicators."