React-Native Android - Could not find React-Native Android - Could not find android android

React-Native Android - Could not find

Update, I had to add more code to build.gradle

This is my fix, I did not fork repos just used this workaround: add this to your build.gradle file, the sibling of settings.gradle file

buildscript {  repositories {     google()     jcenter { url ""}     maven { url "" }  }}subprojects { project ->  def name =  if (name.contains('module name, e.g. react-native-blur')        || name.contains('other module name, e.g. react-native-image-picker')) {    buildscript {        repositories {            maven { url ""  }        }    }  } }

In my build.gradle file (of the project not the app) i've added the new bintray url first but also had to add all the others after:

subprojects {    buildscript {        repositories {            maven { url '' }            google()            mavenLocal()            jcenter()        }    }}