Recyclerview inside Nested Scrollview scroll but does not fast scroll like normal Recyclerview or Nested Scrollview Recyclerview inside Nested Scrollview scroll but does not fast scroll like normal Recyclerview or Nested Scrollview android android

Recyclerview inside Nested Scrollview scroll but does not fast scroll like normal Recyclerview or Nested Scrollview



By default setNestedScrollingEnabled works only after API-21.

You can use ViewCompat.setNestedScrollingEnabled(recyclerView, false); to disable nested scrolling for before and after API-21(Lollipop). Link to documentation.

I was working on android 16 where this was not possible to use setNestedSCrollEnabled method,

What I end up doing to stop RecyclerView from handling Scrolls.

Like in LinerLayoutManager i made canScrollHorizontally, canScrollVertically to return false by default.

myRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getContext(), LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false){            @Override            public boolean canScrollHorizontally() {                return false;            }            @Override            public boolean canScrollVertically() {                return false;            }        });