Register Application class in Manifest? Register Application class in Manifest? android android

Register Application class in Manifest?

If it derives from Application, add the fully qualified (namespace + class name) as the android:name parameter of the application element in your manifest.

<application        android:name=""

Or if the class' package can be described as relative to the package in the manifest tag, then just start with a .:

<manifest xmlns:android=""          package="">    <application        android:name=".ApplicationEx"

but in case you are already using some library like's library then most probably your manifest

<application name="">

property will already have some name like

`<application name="io.referral.BranchApp">

in that case you need to first extend your application class, like below:

public class Application extends BranchApp

and then register your application in manifest as:


this works perfectly for me :)i hope it helps someone in trouble :)

If you are using a MultiDex application you will already have "android:name" in use so instead extend

public class MyApplication extends MultiDexApplication {...}

And add it to the Android manifest:
