Remove underline from TextInputEditText Remove underline from TextInputEditText android android

Remove underline from TextInputEditText

If you want to use the filled box then below code perfectly work for me.


add above lines in the input layout.

It looks like the Material Components library draws its own underline using app:boxStrokeColor. This attribute is a ColorStateList, so you have to create a color state list resource in which all states' colors are set to transparent. So basically you want to create a new file res/color/filename.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><selector xmlns:android="">    <item        android:color="@android:color/transparent"        android:state_pressed="true"        android:state_focused="true"        android:state_selected="true"        android:state_checkable="true"        android:state_checked="true"        android:state_enabled="true"        android:state_window_focused="true" /></selector>

and set the app:boxStrokeColor attribute to @color/filename.

However, this left me with a black underline which still doesn't respond to android:background=@null or <item name="colorControl*">@android:color/transparent</item>.


Quickfix: if you set the TextInputLayout outlined using style="@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox", the box looks almost the same, but the underline is gone. In order to remove the stroke just set the app:boxStrokeColor attribute to @null.

<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar">    <item name="textInputStyle">@style/Widget.MyApp.TextInputLayout</item></style><style name="Widget.MyApp.TextInputLayout" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.FilledBox">    <item name="boxStrokeWidth">0dp</item>    <item name="boxStrokeWidthFocused">0dp</item></style>