Resize images with Glide in a ImageView Android Resize images with Glide in a ImageView Android android android

Resize images with Glide in a ImageView Android

Override must be accessed via RequestOptions in the most recent version of Glide 4.x. You can add RequestOptions through apply()

Glide    .with(context)    .load(path)    .apply(new RequestOptions().override(600, 200))    .into(imageViewResizeCenterCrop);

in glide 4.x 'override' is in 'apply' :

Glide.with(getBaseContext()) .load(path) .apply(RequestOptions.placeholderOf(R.mipmap.no_wifi) .error(R.mipmap.no_wifi) .override(500,500)) .into(mImageView);

Glide    .with(context)    .load(path)         .apply(new RequestOptions().override(600, 200))    .centerCrop()     .into(imageViewResizeCenterCrop);

@Raghunandan is should try transformation your own way.