Retrofit: what is different between @Field and @Body Retrofit: what is different between @Field and @Body android android

Retrofit: what is different between @Field and @Body

@Body – Sends Java objects as request body.

@Field – send data as form-urlencoded. This requires a @FormUrlEncoded annotation attached with the method.The @Field parameter works only with a POST. @Field requires a mandatory parameter. In cases when @Field is optional, we can use @Query instead and pass a null value.

Both are used for posting data only, but they have following difference -

The @Body annotation defines a single request body.

    interface Foo {       @POST("/jayson")       FooResponse postJson(@Body FooRequest body);    }

That means if you are using @Body, it should be only parameter. It is helpful when you have already a JsonObject and you want to send it as it with you api call.

Another way is, you can send data using @Field and send the Place object as a JSON string.

@POST("/post/addphoto/")    public void addImage(@Field("image_url") String url, @Field("caption") String caption, @Field("google_place_id") String placeId, @Field("facebook_place") String place, Callback<UploadCallBack> response);

Hope it will help... :-)