Robolectric and Android SDK 29 Robolectric and Android SDK 29 android android

Robolectric and Android SDK 29

Create a file inside the app/src/test/resources directory with the following line:


This will force Robolectric to use API 28 instead of 29.

With Robolectric 4.3.1 we can use the following alternatives:

  1. Run our test with Java 9 or newer. (We can edit the JRE in the run test configuration) enter image description here

If we like to run our test with Java 8, we can:

  1. Annotate our test class with @Config in order to emulate a lower SDK (as mentioned by @bencri and @julio-mendoza).

Like this:

@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class)@Config(sdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.P)class LoginRobolectricTest {//...}
  1. Or, as mentioned by @farmerbb, add the file inside the app/src/test/resources folder with the SDK we like to run, by example:


enter image description here

If anyone is wondering, the solution for me was to annotate my test classes with

@Config(sdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.O_MR1)