Robolectric: Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID with Android Gradle Plugin 3 Robolectric: Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID with Android Gradle Plugin 3 android android

Robolectric: Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID with Android Gradle Plugin 3

As mentioned by an engineer from Google team (most possibly Xavier Ducrohet), Robolectric has issues with AAPT2:

Robolectric is not compatible with aapt2.

Two options here.

First option - follow Robolectric guidelines for Android Studio 3.0+

Add the following to your build.gradle:

android {  testOptions {    unitTests {      includeAndroidResources = true    }  }}

Annotate your test with the Robolectric test runner:

@RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class)public class SandwichTest {}

Second option: disable AAPT2 adding following line into file:


The Robolectric documentation states that the following configuration should be used with Android Studio 3.x:

android {  testOptions {    unitTests.includeAndroidResources true  }}

(for anyone that might be looking for a solution to a similar problem)

Be sure to use


and not:


when you're trying to resolve resources "manually".

That's one case in which Resources$NotFoundException might show up with Robolectric.